Newly Released Audio of Justice Samuel Alito Sparks Controversy

Recently released audio recordings reveal Justice Samuel Alito discussing the limitations of the Supreme Court’s investigation into the leak of his draft majority opinion in the 2022 case that ended federal constitutional protections for abortion. The audio, shared by liberal activist and documentary filmmaker Lauren Windsor on X (formerly Twitter) and Rolling Stone, provides an inside look at the internal handling of the significant leak.

In a separate recording, Martha-Ann Alito, Justice Alito’s wife, addressed a recent controversy involving flag displays at their homes in Virginia and New Jersey. She expressed indifference to the uproar caused by flying an upside-down American flag, historically a distress signal but more recently associated with the “Stop the Steal” movement following the 2020 election.

The controversy over the flag display, which occurred shortly after the January 6 Capitol riot, has drawn significant attention and criticism. Justice Alito has stated that he had no involvement in the flag display, attributing it solely to his wife and her reaction to inflammatory signs posted by their neighbors. However, critics argue that the incident compromises the perceived impartiality of the Justice, especially with ongoing cases related to the 2020 election and the January 6 insurrection.

These events have intensified calls for ethical reforms and greater accountability within the Supreme Court. Democratic leaders, including Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durbin, have urged Justice Alito to recuse himself from any cases related to former President Donald Trump to avoid any appearance of bias.