Kenyan President William Ruto Withdraws Finance Bill Amid Violent Protests
Kenyan President William Ruto has withdrawn the controversial finance bill aimed at raising taxes, following violent nationwide protests that erupted after its parliamentary approval. The decision marks a significant retreat for Ruto, whose presidency has faced increasing opposition over economic reforms.

Violent Clashes and Casualties

The unrest resulted in at least 23 fatalities and numerous injuries as clashes broke out between police and protesters at the Kenyan assembly and various locations across the country. The Kenya Medical Association reported at least 30 individuals were treated for bullet wounds from Tuesday’s protests. Protesters, driven by widespread discontent over the proposed tax hikes, stormed government buildings and set parts of them on fire.

Ruto’s Response

Addressing the nation, Ruto acknowledged the public’s overwhelming rejection of the bill:

“Listening keenly to the people of Kenya, who have said loudly that they want nothing to do with this finance bill 2024, I concede. And therefore, I will not sign the 2024 finance bill, and it shall subsequently be withdrawn.”

Ruto proposed initiating dialogue with youth, civil society, religious organizations, and professional bodies to address the bill’s contentious aspects. Additionally, he directed austerity measures to reduce government expenditure across all branches, emphasizing a commitment to fiscal responsibility in response to public sentiment.

Impact on Ruto’s Presidency

This reversal is viewed as a major setback for Ruto, who had promised to alleviate the financial burdens on Kenyans. The protests, largely fueled by youth-led digital activism, have highlighted the growing dissatisfaction with his administration. The movement, which began online, has quickly transformed into a powerful force demanding political and economic reforms.

Government and Security Response

In an unusual step, Defence Minister Aden Duale announced the deployment of the military to assist police in quelling the protests. However, this move was quickly challenged and suspended by Kenya’s high court. The heavy-handed approach has drawn criticism, especially after reports of police brutality and alleged abductions of protest leaders.

Continued Tensions

Despite the withdrawal of the bill, the situation remains tense. The hashtag #tupatanethursday has trended on social media, calling for continued demonstrations. Protesters have vowed to occupy key government and international financial institutions’ offices.

Calls for Justice and Dialogue

The opposition, led by Raila Odinga, has called for a national dialogue to address the grievances fueling the unrest. He condemned the government’s response to the protests, emphasizing the need for a humane and constructive approach to the demands of the Kenyan people.

As Kenya navigates this crisis, the government’s ability to address the underlying economic and social issues will be crucial in restoring stability and public trust.