Roger Stone’s Plan to Challenge 2024 Election Results Revealed in Secret Recording
Roger Stone, a longtime Republican operative and former advisor to Donald Trump, has been caught on tape discussing a detailed plan to challenge the 2024 election results if Trump loses. The secretly recorded audio, obtained by liberal journalist Lauren Windsor and first reported by Rolling Stone, reveals Stone’s strategy to contest the election using three key pillars: lawyers, judges, and technology.

The Three Pillars of Stone’s Plan

Lawyers: Stone emphasized the importance of having a team of lawyers ready to challenge the election results. He mentioned the need for a robust legal team to contest any unfavorable outcomes swiftly.

Judges: Stone’s plan includes leveraging the judicial system to challenge the results. He highlighted the necessity of having judges and legal contacts ready to file lawsuits and intervene in the certification process, similar to efforts made in Michigan during the 2020 election.

Technology: Stone also spoke about using technology to monitor voter lists and track election results in real-time. This technological edge is intended to identify and contest any perceived irregularities promptly.

Confidence in the Plan

Stone expressed confidence in this strategy, contrasting it with the lack of preparation in 2020. “We made no preparations last time, none,” he admitted. This time, however, Stone believes they are on “offensive footing” and better equipped to challenge the results. He also mentioned that some governors are willing to support these efforts, although he acknowledged that few are willing to risk their reputations.

Comparisons to 2020

Reflecting on the 2020 election, Stone admitted that they were unprepared and lacked a coherent plan. This time around, he believes they have a solid strategy in place, which includes immediate lawsuits to contest unfavorable results and changes in state voting laws.

Implications and Concerns

The recording raises significant concerns about the potential for election interference and the misuse of the legal system to challenge the election results. Stone’s plan underscores the ongoing efforts by Trump and his allies to undermine the integrity of the electoral process. This revelation is particularly alarming given Stone’s role in the “Stop the Steal” campaign following the 2020 election.


The secretly recorded audio provides a glimpse into Roger Stone’s plan to challenge the 2024 election results if Trump loses. The strategy involves deploying lawyers, judges, and technology to contest the results, with Stone expressing confidence in its success. These revelations highlight the ongoing efforts to undermine the electoral process and raise serious concerns about the integrity of future elections.