Teamsters President to Speak at RNC as Trump Targets Union Voters

The President of the Teamsters Union, Sean O’Brien, is scheduled to speak at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee next month. This move is part of former President Donald Trump’s strategy to gain support from blue-collar workers, a key demographic in the upcoming general election, especially in pivotal Midwestern swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan.

Trump’s Announcement and O’Brien’s Request

Trump announced on his Truth Social platform that O’Brien accepted his invitation to speak at the RNC. This marks a historic first, as no Teamsters president has ever addressed the GOP event before. According to Teamsters spokesperson Kara Deniz, O’Brien also requested a speaking slot at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago but is still awaiting confirmation.

Democratic National Convention Plans

Democratic National Convention planners stated that no final decisions have been made regarding their programming for the August event. Party spokesperson Matt Hill emphasized the DNC’s commitment to showcasing stories of labor and union leaders, underscoring President Joe Biden’s pro-union stance.

Trump’s Efforts to Court Union Voters

Trump has been actively trying to weaken Biden’s support among union members, who traditionally lean Democratic. In 2020, 56% of union members and households supported Biden. Trump’s efforts include a visit to Michigan last September, where he criticized Biden’s electric vehicle push during a strike and urged the United Auto Workers (UAW) to endorse him, although UAW President Shawn Fain has since endorsed Biden.

Union Leaders’ Reactions to Trump

While Trump has made overtures to union leaders, not all have been receptive. Fain has labeled Trump a “scab” for his anti-union activities. Despite this, O’Brien and Trump have met privately to discuss labor issues, including right-to-work laws. Although O’Brien described the meeting as productive, he noted that the union is far from making an endorsement.

Biden’s Union Support and Challenges

Biden has positioned himself as a staunch supporter of labor, earning early endorsements from major unions like the AFL-CIO. He made a significant show of support by joining autoworkers on the picket line in Detroit. Despite this, the UAW has yet to endorse Biden for his reelection bid, reflecting a shift as some union members gravitate toward Republican candidates.

O’Brien’s Open-Minded Approach

The Teamsters Union, representing 1.3 million workers, has historically supported Democratic candidates, including Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020. However, O’Brien emphasizes the union’s open-minded approach to endorsements, planning to decide after polling members and gathering input post-conventions.


As the general election approaches, Trump aims to erode Biden’s union support by highlighting labor issues and seeking endorsements from union leaders like O’Brien. The outcome of these efforts will be critical in battleground states where union votes could significantly impact the election results.