Biden Pardons Thousands of LGBTQ+ Veterans
Correcting Past Injustices

President Joe Biden has announced a significant step toward rectifying historical wrongs by pardoning thousands of US veterans. These veterans were convicted under a military law that banned gay sex, which was in effect from 1951 to 2013. This move comes during Pride Month, highlighting the administration’s commitment to LGBTQ+ rights.

Presidential Proclamation

The presidential proclamation allows LGBTQ+ service members who were convicted solely due to their sexual orientation to apply for a certificate of pardon. This certificate will help them regain benefits that were withheld. Biden emphasized the importance of dignity and decency, stating, “Today, I am righting an historic wrong by using my clemency authority to pardon many former service members who were convicted simply for being themselves.”

Impact on Veterans

These pardons apply to those convicted under Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which criminalized consensual sodomy. This law was rewritten in 2013, but its effects have lingered for many. Biden’s action also addresses the consequences of the 1950s “lavender scare,” during which many LGBTQ+ federal employees were unjustly targeted and dismissed.

Ending “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

This move also counters the legacy of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, which allowed LGBTQ+ individuals to serve in the military without disclosing their sexual orientation. This policy was repealed in 2010, with Biden playing a key role in its repeal during his time as vice president. The current administration continues to address the discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ service members.

Future Benefits

Biden’s clemency follows his earlier mass pardon for marijuana possession offenses. For LGBTQ+ veterans, obtaining a certificate of pardon can lead to changes in their discharge status, affecting their eligibility for Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits. A senior administration official noted that thousands of veterans are expected to apply for these pardon certificates, ensuring they receive the benefits they deserve.


This presidential action provides a pathway for the VA to offer care and benefits to LGBTQ+ veterans who were unjustly convicted. It marks a crucial step in correcting past injustices and promoting equality within the military.