President Joe Biden affirmed his determination to continue his presidential campaign in a letter to congressional Democrats on Monday, responding to calls from Capitol Hill allies suggesting he should withdraw. This declaration marks the beginning of a critical week for Biden, who is grappling with waning support from Democratic lawmakers and increasing concerns that his persistence could result in a significant defeat by former President Donald J. Trump and his supporters in the upcoming November elections for the White House and Congress.

Demands for Immediate Action

Facing a clamor for immediate and robust political action from many Democrats, Biden is constrained by his role as host of the 75th NATO summit in Washington. The downtown area is heavily secured in preparation. Biden’s aides have assured an intensive campaign schedule starting the week of July 15, hoping it will not be too late to make an impact.

NATO Summit and Ukraine Focus

The NATO summit, a three-day event commencing on Tuesday, was scheduled months in advance but coincides with a particularly challenging period for Biden. Despite the summit’s focus on the war in Ukraine, Biden will likely be preoccupied with pressing questions about his political future, a topic that is expected to echo through his private discussions with other global leaders, many of whom are concerned about the potential return of Trump to office.

Rare News Conference

In an unusual move, Biden and his team have committed to holding a solo news conference with White House reporters, likely on Thursday, concluding the NATO summit. While such briefings were common for previous presidents, Biden has not conducted a solo news conference (apart from those during international trips) since November 2022. This appearance will be closely watched by Democrats eager to evaluate his ability to handle impromptu questions, a challenge he struggled with in his recent debate against Trump.

Campaigning in Pennsylvania

Over the weekend, Biden campaigned in Pennsylvania, a crucial battleground state. His activities included brief remarks at a Black church service in Philadelphia and meetings with union members in Harrisburg. The plans for the upcoming week remain uncertain, although Vice President Kamala Harris has scheduled events in Las Vegas and Dallas.

Increasing Calls for Withdrawal

The pressure on Biden to end his campaign is intensifying, with several prominent House Democrats urging him to step down during a private meeting on Sunday. Representatives Jerrold Nadler of New York, Adam Smith of Washington, Mark Takano of California, and Joseph D. Morelle of New York joined a growing list of colleagues who have publicly voiced similar opinions, signaling a steady but growing wave of dissent within the party.