Pro-Russian Influence in American Media: The Rise of Intelligencer

Amid growing scrutiny of Russian influence on American media, a concerning development has emerged. A group of former Trump advisers and operatives has been quietly helping build a pro-Russian website, Intelligencer, which frequently spreads discredited conspiracy theories about the war in Ukraine, election fraud, and vaccines.

Former Trump Aides Lead the Charge

Notable figures like George Papadopoulos, who served as a foreign policy aide during Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, and his wife, Simona Mangiante, are among the key members shaping Intelligencer. Their involvement has raised serious questions, especially since the site collaborates with contributors from Kremlin state media.

The editorial board of Intelligencer is filled with familiar names from Trump’s orbit, including Garrett Ziegler, Alex Jones, and Roger Stone. Many of these individuals have long histories of promoting misinformation, further fueling the website’s agenda. The platform is gaining traction, with a 300% spike in traffic in August, according to Similarweb.

Opaque Funding and Ties to Russia

While the financial backers of Intelligencer remain hidden, there are growing suspicions of Kremlin support, given the site’s alignment with pro-Russian narratives and involvement from high-profile figures in Russian propaganda. The website’s ownership is opaque, with only a Los Angeles business address listed, raising further concerns about its true source of funding.

Emma Briant, an associate professor at Monash University, has pointed out a troubling shift in Russia’s disinformation tactics: “Since the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has increasingly relied on proxies and influencers whose conspiracist ‘brand’ is financially lucrative through social media monetization. Many of these individuals now appear to be receiving covert Russian subsidies.”

Disinformation and Far-Right Appeal

The content on Intelligencer spans a wide range of debunked conspiracy theories, many of which align with the far-right ecosystem in the United States. Posts from Papadopoulos, Mangiante, and others focus on discredited claims involving the Bidens, Ukraine, and Covid-19. The website also supports figures like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., amplifying false narratives about vaccines and election fraud.

Many board members are deeply entangled in Trump’s previous election campaigns, such as Leah Hoopes and Greg Stenstrom, both of whom have falsely claimed the 2020 election was stolen. The site also promotes pro-Russian viewpoints on Ukraine, particularly through contributors like George Eliason, an American journalist based in eastern Ukraine who has a long history of working with Kremlin-affiliated media.

European Propaganda and Russian State Connections

Beyond its American audience, Intelligencer has caught the attention of European propaganda outlets. The website Pravda-en has promoted articles from Intelligencer, including pieces that attack reports from investigative agencies like the OCCRP. French disinformation watchdogs have flagged Intelligencer as part of a broader network pushing pro-Russian content across the European Union.

Adding to the site’s suspicious ties, one of its board members, Anna Soroka, has direct connections to Russia’s military intelligence agency, the GRU. Soroka serves as an adviser to Leonid Pasechnik, the head of the Russian-controlled Luhansk People’s Republic.

A Growing Threat to U.S. Democracy

As the 2024 U.S. elections approach, the rise of Intelligencer poses a significant challenge. Its blend of recognizable far-right figures, Russian-aligned messaging, and disinformation tactics makes it a potent vehicle for manipulating public opinion and promoting Russian influence in American politics.

Olga Lautman, a senior fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis, warned of the website’s potential impact: “Intelligencer appears to be one of several operations targeting the upcoming US elections, leveraging a network of far-right figures and disinformation tactics.”

With a growing audience and a board that reads like a “who’s who” of Russian propaganda, Intelligencer is not just another disinformation site. It represents a calculated effort to further embed Russian influence in U.S. politics, with dangerous consequences for American democracy.

This evolving situation underscores the importance of vigilance as disinformation becomes increasingly sophisticated in its delivery, especially when it is backed by powerful international actors.

