Governor Gavin Newsom Orders Removal of Homeless Encampments in California

On Thursday, July 25, 2024, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order mandating the immediate removal of homeless encampments on state property. This decision follows a recent Supreme Court ruling. The directive focuses on clearing encampments that pose safety risks, such as those near waterways, while ensuring support and assistance for the affected individuals.

Executive Order Highlights

The executive order mandates state agencies to implement humane and respectful policies for addressing encampments on state property. This includes notifying and offering support to individuals before removing the encampments.

Governor Newsom encouraged cities and counties to adopt similar measures, although local authorities are not obligated to comply.

The order does not pertain to encampments on private property or those not considered safety risks.
The primary goal is to “respect the dignity and well-being of all Californians” while tackling the state’s homelessness crisis.

Context and Background
California has the highest number of unhoused individuals in the country, with around 180,000 people living on the streets last year. A recent Supreme Court decision has given governments new authority to manage homelessness, permitting the removal of encampments under certain conditions.

Responses and Reactions
Local officials, including San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan, have expressed support for the order and are eager to collaborate with the state to remove encampments responsibly. Additionally, prominent Florida Republicans have commended Newsom’s decision, highlighting the necessity of addressing unsafe and unsanitary conditions in homeless encampments.

Future Actions
State agencies will begin dismantling homeless encampments on state property, prioritizing those that pose safety risks. While local authorities have the option to follow this approach, they are not required to do so. The order aims to create a framework for addressing street homelessness with dignity and respect for all Californians.