Hundreds of Ultra-Orthodox Protest Military Draft in Israel

Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jewish men blocked a major highway in central Israel for two hours on Thursday, protesting a Supreme Court ruling that mandates young religious men to enlist for military service.

Mandatory Service and Exemptions

Military service is mandatory for most Jewish men and women in Israel. However, ultra-Orthodox parties have historically secured draft exemptions for their followers, allowing them to study in religious seminaries instead. This exemption system has caused growing resentment among the general public, particularly during the ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza, which has claimed over 600 soldiers’ lives and activated tens of thousands of reservists.

Protest and Police Action

Protesters obstructed the highway, lying on the ground, as police forcibly removed them. Officers on horseback charged into the crowd. Demonstrators carried signs and chanted, “To prison! Not to the army!” A young protester named Ozer stated, “We reflect the position of all the Orthodox public. We prefer prison over the army.”

Religious Study as Defense

The ultra-Orthodox community views full-time religious study as their role in protecting the state. They fear that military service could lead to greater secular influence and a weakening of their religious observance.

Court Decision and Political Fallout

The Supreme Court ordered the government to start drafting ultra-Orthodox men, deeming the exemption system unequal. This decision threatens the stability of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, as ultra-Orthodox parties, which hold significant political power, strongly oppose any changes to the draft system. These parties are critical members of Netanyahu’s coalition and could trigger new elections by withdrawing their support.

Future Protests

While ultra-Orthodox leaders have not yet decided whether to leave the government, their followers have planned a large protest in Jerusalem on Sunday.


The Supreme Court’s decision has sparked significant unrest, with potential implications for the Israeli government’s stability, depending on the actions of ultra-Orthodox political parties.