Democrats Launch Billboard Campaign Targeting Trump and Project 2025 in Swing States

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is intensifying its efforts to highlight Project 2025, a conservative agenda tied to Donald Trump, with a new billboard campaign in key swing states. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the potential impact of the project if Trump wins the upcoming election.

Escalating Liberal Efforts

The DNC’s paid media campaign marks a significant step in publicizing Project 2025, linking it directly to Trump despite his attempts to distance himself from the plan. This conservative blueprint for a second Trump administration is spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, supported by over 100 conservative groups.

Billboards Across Battleground States

Thirty-six billboards in both English and Spanish will be placed in nine cities across seven battleground states: Detroit, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Philadelphia, Green Bay, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Raleigh, and Charlotte. These billboards feature Trump’s image alongside messages such as “Trump’s plan to be a dictator on day 1: Project 2025. Google it” and warnings that the project “guts checks and balances, seeks revenge, and bans abortion nationwide.”

DNC’s Stand

Rosemary Boeglin, the DNC communications director, emphasized the importance of exposing Project 2025. “Trump and his Republican allies know that when Americans hear about Project 2025, they do not support it,” Boeglin stated. “The DNC won’t let them get away with it.”

Biden’s Involvement

President Joe Biden has also addressed Project 2025, urging people to “Google Project 2025” in a recent post on X. Biden’s campaign has created a website detailing the project’s goals and their potential impact on Americans. However, during a recent debate, Biden missed an opportunity to bring up the project and directly challenge Trump on these extreme policies.

Project 2025’s Controversial Proposals

Project 2025 has gained traction as the left warns voters about the extensive changes Trump could implement in a second term. The 900-plus-page document proposes significant alterations to US policy and law, aiming to dismantle and realign the government. Key proposals include:

Stacking the Government: Increasing political loyalty within government positions to consolidate presidential power.
Mass Deportations: Implementing strict immigration restrictions.
Reorganization of Departments: Transforming the health and human services department into the “department of life” with anti-abortion policies and eliminating agencies like the Department of Education.
Opposition to LGBTQ+ and Diversity Policies: Suggesting the removal of such initiatives across the government.
Conservative Consensus and Political Appointments

Beyond its policy proposals, Project 2025 is gathering names for potential political appointments, aiming to aid a new president’s transition team. The project’s attempt to forge a conservative consensus on policy implementation has drawn significant attention.

Trump’s Disavowal Efforts

Trump has tried to distance himself from Project 2025, especially after Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts commented on the project’s revolutionary nature. Trump claimed ignorance about the project and its backers, despite its strong alignment with his agenda. Reports indicate that at least 140 former Trump officials and allies were involved in Project 2025’s development.

By launching this billboard campaign, the DNC aims to ensure voters are aware of the radical changes Project 2025 could bring, highlighting the stark differences between the parties’ visions for America’s future.