Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Excluded from Debate, Plans Alternative on Twitter

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the independent US presidential candidate polling around 8%, will not participate in tonight’s Biden-Trump debate in Atlanta. Kennedy has accused CNN of collaborating with major party campaigns to exclude him and has decided to take action.

Public Support and Alternative Plans

Kennedy’s campaign announced on Wednesday that 71% of Americans want him on the debate stage. In response to his exclusion, he plans to host an alternative debate on Elon Musk’s Twitter/X platform simultaneously.

Kennedy’s Statement

Kennedy asserted, “The American people deserve leaders who trust them to make their own decisions. Our last two presidents are preventing voters from considering other candidates. Presidents Biden and Trump have drained trillions from working Americans, and people need to hear from a candidate who can challenge them.”

Democratic Criticism

Despite meeting qualifying polls and securing ballot access in five states, Kennedy faces accusations from Democrats of being a Republican pawn. Matt Corridoni, a spokesperson for the Democratic National Committee, stated, “RFK Jr was recruited by MAGA Republicans, is backed by Trump’s biggest donor, and his campaign aims to harm President Biden.”

Republican Reactions

Republicans have not fully embraced Kennedy’s campaign either, worrying it could divert votes from their candidates. Donald Trump labeled Kennedy “far more LIBERAL than anyone running as a Democrat, including West and Stein,” referring to third-party candidates Cornel West and Jill Stein.

Legal Action and Predictions

Kennedy filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission in April, alleging that the Biden and Trump campaigns and CNN broke federal campaign laws by scheduling the debate without him. He predicted Trump will excel in the 90-minute debate, telling Piers Morgan that Trump might be “the greatest debater in modern American history, possibly since Lincoln-Douglas.”

Support from Voters

Kennedy’s supporters include a significant portion of voters dissatisfied with both Biden and Trump. Christy Jones, a holistic health coach from California, expressed her support, saying, “He could win if people are brave enough to vote for real change. If everyone wanting change voted for him, he’d succeed.”

Challenges and Future Plans

Kennedy’s exclusion from the debate is a significant challenge. Sujat Desai, a student from California, noted, “Not being in this debate is a major setback, and missing future debates could be even more damaging.”

Upcoming Events

Kennedy’s campaign remains active, with a spokesperson announcing a busy July schedule, featuring numerous public events primarily on the East Coast, including a major rally to be revealed next week.