Kevin Roberts and Opus Dei: A Conservative Alliance Shaping American Politics

Roberts’ Ties to Opus Dei

Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation and architect of Project 2025, maintains close ties with the Opus Dei-led Catholic Information Center (CIC) in Washington DC. This center, a hub for the radical Catholic group, provides Roberts with regular spiritual guidance. He has openly acknowledged attending weekly masses and formation sessions at the CIC, organized by an Opus Dei priest.

Radical Incrementalism

In a speech at the CIC, Roberts discussed his strategy for achieving extreme policy goals through “radical incrementalism.” He highlighted outlawing birth control as a challenging political battle but encouraged conservatives to pursue small legislative victories to advance their right-wing agenda. This approach forms the backbone of Project 2025, a plan supported by over 100 conservative groups aiming to reshape U.S. policies, including limiting abortion access and LGBTQ+ rights, dismantling the Department of Education, and ending diversity programs.

Opus Dei’s Influence

Opus Dei, a secretive and controversial Catholic organization, plays a significant role in Roberts’ strategy. Gareth Gore, author of an upcoming book on Opus Dei, described the group as a “political project shrouded in a veil of spirituality.” Founded by Saint Josemaría Escrivá, Opus Dei seeks to counter progressive societal trends and has infiltrated Washington’s political and legal elite. Roberts’ association with the group reflects this mission, as does his close relationship with Leonard Leo, another Opus Dei-affiliated conservative activist.

Democratic Concerns

Democratic leaders, including Vice President Kamala Harris, have raised alarms about Project 2025, warning voters of its potential impact under a second Trump administration. Roberts’ close ties to Opus Dei and the Heritage Foundation’s plans have drawn criticism for attempting to impose religious views through government power.

Opus Dei’s Controversies

Opus Dei’s controversial reputation extends beyond the U.S. In Argentina and Paraguay, women have filed complaints to the Vatican alleging labor exploitation and abuses of power within the group. In Australia, former students from Opus Dei-run schools reported psychological damage from their education.

A Symbiotic Relationship

Opus Dei’s belief in a symbiotic relationship between church and state aligns with Roberts’ vision. Massimo Faggioli, a professor of theology at Villanova University, noted that Opus Dei members are not surprised to be involved in political projects like Project 2025. They view contemporary politics as a battleground for preserving conservative values in America and, by extension, Christianity.

Future of American Conservatism

Roberts’ vision for America is deeply influenced by his Opus Dei affiliation. He believes the U.S. is undergoing a “second American Revolution,” emphasizing the need for conservatives to fight for religious liberty and protect faith-based institutions. His strategy of “radical incrementalism” aims to achieve conservative policy goals gradually, despite their unpopularity with the broader American public.

Roberts’ and Opus Dei’s combined efforts signify a powerful alliance within American conservatism, seeking to reshape the nation’s political landscape through both strategic incrementalism and staunch opposition to progressive ideologies.