The Belarusian military has accused Ukraine of positioning forces near their shared border for possible sabotage and terrorism, as reported by state-run Belta. These claims, made on June 29, have not been verified independently. The Kyiv Independent highlights the Belarusian state media’s history of unsupported assertions.

Belarusian Claims

Colonel Vadim Lukashevich, a senior Belarusian military official, stated that the border situation is marked by growing tension and suggested that attempts are being made to draw Belarus into the war. Following defeats near Kyiv, Russian forces had initially launched their invasion of Ukraine from Belarus in early 2022.

In June, the Belarusian Defense Ministry announced increased border security following alleged security incidents. Lukashevich claimed Ukrainian forces have stationed American-made military equipment in Zhytomyr Oblast, bordering Belarus. He also alleged that Ukraine has set up mines near the border, indicating plans for further assaults and sabotage, though no evidence was provided.

Ukrainian Response

The Ukrainian Security and Defense Council’s Center for Countering Disinformation reported in May that Russia might initiate a psychological operation to cause panic in Ukraine, suggesting Belarusian troops might join Russia’s war. Provocative statements from Russian and Belarusian leaders were anticipated.

Broader Context

Belarus, a key ally to Russia, has supported the aggression against Ukraine without deploying its own troops. Tensions at the border coincide with the European Council’s new sanctions on Belarus, aiming to close loopholes used to bypass sanctions on Russia.

Key Points:

Security Measures: Belarus increased border security following alleged incidents.

Military Allegations: Claims of Ukrainian forces deploying American-made equipment and setting up mines near the Belarus border.

Psychological Operations: Warnings of potential Russian psychological operations to induce panic in Ukraine.

Sanctions: The European Council imposed additional sanctions on Belarus to prevent circumvention of existing sanctions on Russia.

Military Movements: Ukraine has begun using F-16 jets against Russia.

The UN reported Russian use of North Korean missiles in Ukraine. Russian President Putin announced the resumption of intermediate-range missile production after exiting a treaty with the US.

The border situation remains tense, with ongoing accusations and military preparations on both sides. The international community continues to watch closely for potential escalations.