Conservative Group’s ‘Blacklist’ Targets Career Government Employees

Introduction of Project Sovereignty 2025

A conservative-backed group plans to publicly name and shame career government employees they view as hostile to Donald Trump. This “blacklist” aims to replace government employees with Trump loyalists if he is elected.

About the American Accountability Foundation

The American Accountability Foundation (AAF), founded in 2020, describes its mission as exposing the left’s secrets and holding Biden accountable. A 2022 New Yorker profile called AAF a “conservative dark-money group.” Previously, AAF focused on derailing Biden’s appointments. Now, AAF is launching “Project Sovereignty 2025.”

Funding and Objective

With a $100,000 grant from the Heritage Foundation, AAF will gather information, including social media posts, about civil servants who might obstruct a conservative president. They will publish dossiers on these individuals, starting with the Department of Homeland Security.

Civil Service Reaction

The project has alarmed the civil service community. The American Federation of Government Employees, the largest federal employee union, called Project Sovereignty 2025 an intimidation tactic to menace federal workers.

Historical Comparisons

Project Sovereignty 2025 is compared to McCarthy-era blacklisting. Political scientist Donald Moynihan notes the project reflects deep animosity toward perceived disloyal state actors. During Trump’s first term, there was open hostility towards non-political government workers.

Broader Implications

Moynihan highlights that this project is part of a wider trend of intimidation against professionals, including librarians and teachers, who now face threats of being doxxed and accused of disloyalty.

Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025

“Project Sovereignty” supports the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025,” a blueprint for Trump’s potential presidency, prioritizing “Christian nationalism” and reorganizing the federal government. A key element is “Schedule F,” reclassifying thousands of career civil servants as political appointees, allowing Trump to replace them. Trump introduced Schedule F in October 2020, which Biden rescinded. Trump plans to reimplement it if elected.

AAF’s Influence and Tactics

AAF, led by Tom Jones, a former legislative director to Senator Ron Johnson, is not a fringe group. AAF’s recent tactics include targeting Biden’s nominees and lesser-known appointees, disproportionately focusing on women and people of color.


As AAF advances Project Sovereignty 2025, concerns grow about its impact on civil servants, raising questions about the future of federal employment under a potential Trump administration.