Donald Trump, who turned 78 on Friday, challenged President Joe Biden to take a cognitive test during a speech at a Turning Point Action convention in Detroit, Michigan. In an unexpected twist, Trump mistakenly named the wrong doctor. This occurred as the 78-year-old Republican presidential candidate sought to bolster his support among Black and Latino voters in Michigan.

Trump was speaking at the People’s Convention, a gathering of about 2,000 Make America Great Again (MAGA) supporters organized by Turning Point Action. During his 80-minute speech, he promised to answer questions from the audience but notably failed to do so.

One must wonder, given Trump’s diet of fast food and diet cokes every day, what a true blood test result would reveal. It’s worth noting that no doctor would recommend this diet for a senior citizen.

Trump’s visit to Detroit is significant, given that Michigan is one of a handful of critical battleground states that are likely to determine the outcome of this year’s presidential race. In the 2020 election, Biden won the state by just over 150,000 votes.

Trump’s remarks and his challenge to Biden highlight the ongoing contentious nature of the upcoming presidential election. The former president’s efforts to appeal to a diverse voter base in Michigan underscore the importance of the state in the broader electoral landscape.