Trump Returns to Campaign Trail in Florida, Criticizes Biden but Keeps Running Mate a Secret

Doral, FL – On Tuesday night, Donald Trump resumed his campaign efforts in Florida, targeting President Joe Biden with numerous criticisms and revisiting familiar complaints. Despite anticipation, he did not reveal his choice for a vice-presidential running mate for the upcoming November election.

Speaking to several hundred supporters at his golf club in Doral, Trump began his speech over an hour late, leaving the crowd waiting in the 90-degree heat. The former president, who is the leading Republican contender, delivered a 75-minute speech filled with attacks on Biden’s debate performance and the current administration’s policies.

There was speculation that Trump might announce Florida Senator Marco Rubio as his vice-presidential pick, especially since Rubio was in attendance. However, Trump did not make any such announcement, instead focusing on criticizing Biden and highlighting divisions within the Democratic Party. He mentioned the debate’s fallout and the calls from some Democrats for Biden to step down in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris.

“The radical left Democratic party is divided in chaos, and having a full-scale breakdown all because they can’t decide which of their candidates is more unfit to be president, sleepy, crooked Joe Biden or laughing Kamala,” Trump said, using familiar derogatory terms for Biden and Harris. He assured his supporters that the Republican Party would win regardless of who the Democrats nominate.

Trump’s speech also included several unfounded claims about the 2020 election being rigged and exaggerated the size of his audience, falsely claiming a crowd of 45,000. He also made dubious assertions about various policies, such as electric cars requiring three-hour recharges after 45 minutes of driving and falsely claimed that Biden had caused the price of bacon to quadruple.

In a surreal moment, Trump challenged Biden to a golf match, offering a 10-stroke advantage and promising to donate $1 million to a charity of Biden’s choice if he lost.

Throughout the event, the audience seemed subdued, with some attendees appearing disengaged. Trump’s campaign had hinted at a potential vice-presidential announcement, but his only comment on the matter was a vague reference to Rubio’s potential future in the Senate.

Trump will continue his campaign with a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, where Ohio Senator JD Vance is expected to be a speaker.

Earlier on Tuesday, Democrats, including Texas Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, mocked Trump’s low-key campaign approach since the debate, accusing him of hiding from voters and the press. They also criticized his association with Project 2025, which they described as an extreme and unhinged platform.

Trump avoided discussing Project 2025 or his stance on abortion during his speech, maintaining his focus on attacking Biden and the Democrats.