Ben Sasse Resigns as University of Florida President to Care for Ailing Wife

Resignation Announcement

Ben Sasse, the president of the University of Florida and a former Republican senator from Nebraska, announced Thursday that he would be resigning from his position to dedicate more time to his ailing wife. Dr. Sasse, 52, took office in early February 2023, and his resignation will be effective July 31.

Board’s Response

Mori Hosseini, the chair of the university’s board of trustees, stated that the board would quickly appoint an interim president and begin the search for a new president.

Heartfelt Message on X

In a heartfelt message on X, Dr. Sasse revealed that his wife, Melissa, who suffered an aneurysm and a series of strokes in 2007, had recently been diagnosed with epilepsy and had been “struggling with a new batch of memory issues.” Although his two daughters are in college, his son is just turning 13.

Balancing Life’s Callings

“I’ve got two spectacular callings in life right now: First, I’m a husband and dad,” Dr. Sasse wrote. “Second, I’ve been blessed to serve as president of the best dang public university in America — Go Gators! — and I’ve loved the challenge of giving this university everything I’ve got. But here’s the bottom line: Those callings are significantly at odds with each other right now.”

Future Plans

Dr. Sasse mentioned that his family would continue living in Gainesville, Florida, and that he would remain as president emeritus and a professor, continuing to teach classes. Dr. Sasse was appointed president of the University of Florida in November 2022 and led the college during a highly partisan time.