US Medics Who Volunteered in Gaza Demand Arms Embargo Over Unbearable Cruelty Inflicted by Israel

A group of 45 American surgeons, emergency room physicians, and nurses who volunteered in Gaza hospitals over recent months have written an urgent letter to President Biden, detailing the “massive human toll” inflicted by Israel’s attack on Gaza, particularly on women and children. They demand an immediate arms embargo on both Israel and Palestinian armed groups until a permanent ceasefire is established and a resolution to the conflict is reached.

Eyewitness Accounts of Unbearable Cruelty

The medics describe the “scenes of unbearable cruelty directed at women and children” they witnessed firsthand, including the devastating impact on Gaza’s healthcare system. They recount stories of patients, including children, who were subjected to prolonged and untreated suffering, and of medical staff who were denied access to basic supplies and equipment.

Call for International Action

The medics urge the US government to:

Withhold military, economic, and diplomatic support from Israel until a permanent ceasefire is established and a resolution to the conflict is reached.
Participate in an international arms embargo on both Israel and all Palestinian armed groups until a permanent ceasefire is established.
Context and Consequences

The medics emphasize that the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is not limited to the conflict itself but has been exacerbated by Israel’s prolonged blockade and restrictions on aid delivery. They note that even international aid workers and volunteers, including themselves, have not been spared from the consequences of the Israeli attack.

Key Statistics

Over 39,000 Palestinians, many of them women and children, have been killed in Gaza since the war began.
The Israeli offensive has left Gaza’s healthcare system severely damaged, with many hospitals and medical facilities destroyed or severely damaged.
The blockade and restrictions on aid delivery have led to widespread poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to basic necessities, including food, water, and sanitation.

The US medics’ letter serves as a powerful testament to the human cost of the conflict and the need for international action to address the unbearable cruelty inflicted by Israel. Their demand for an arms embargo is a call to action, urging the US government to prioritize humanitarian concerns and work towards a lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.