Michelle Obama Leads in Hypothetical Matchup Against Trump, Biden and Trump Tied in Latest Poll

A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll reveals a tight race between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, each garnering 40% of voter support. However, former First Lady Michelle Obama emerges as a standout candidate, leading Trump by a significant margin of 50% to 39%.

Biden’s Reelection Prospects Under Scrutiny

The poll indicates a growing desire among voters for President Biden to step aside, with 56% of participants, including one-third of Democrats, expressing concerns about his age and cognitive abilities. This sentiment has intensified following Biden’s less-than-stellar performance in a recent debate with Trump.

Trump Faces Challenges, Too

Trump is not without his own issues. The poll shows that 46% of voters, including 19% of Republicans, believe he should also drop out of the race. Despite this, he maintains a strong position against other potential Democratic candidates.

Vice President Kamala Harris and Other Democrats Lag Behind

Vice President Kamala Harris trails Trump by a narrow margin of 43% to 42%. Similarly, other Democratic hopefuls such as California Governor Gavin Newsom, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker are also behind Trump by various margins, with Newsom trailing by 3 percentage points, Beshear by 4, Whitmer by 5, and Pritzker by 6. These candidates suffer from lower national recognition compared to Obama.

Michelle Obama’s Unique Standing

Michelle Obama stands out not only for her lead over Trump but also for her favorable public image. The poll reveals that 55% of voters have a positive opinion of her, compared to 42% who view her unfavorably. Despite this, Obama has consistently stated she has no interest in running for office, emphasizing that politics is not in her soul, but service is.


While the poll highlights the challenges and uncertainties surrounding the upcoming election, it underscores Michelle Obama’s unique position as a potential game-changer. However, with her reluctance to enter the political fray, the race remains primarily between Biden and Trump, both facing significant scrutiny from their respective bases.

Poll Details

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online, surveying 1,070 U.S. adults nationwide, with a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.