Pope Francis Denounces U.S. Candidates’ ‘Anti-Life’ Policies on Abortion and Migration

Pope Francis expressed strong criticism on Friday of both U.S. presidential candidates, accusing them of promoting policies he described as “anti-life” in the areas of abortion and migration. Speaking aboard the papal plane during his return to Rome after a four-nation tour of Asia, the Pope urged American Catholics to choose the “lesser evil” when casting their votes in the upcoming U.S. election.

Migration as a Scriptural Right

In his remarks, Pope Francis emphasized that migration is a right enshrined in Scripture, stating that rejecting migrants is a “grave sin.” He referenced the Bible’s command to welcome the stranger, warning that failure to do so contradicts Christian teachings. “Both are against life, be it the one who kicks out migrants, or be it the one who kills babies,” Francis declared, without naming specific candidates.

Abortion: A Clear Moral Issue

The Pope reiterated his firm opposition to abortion, stating bluntly, “To have an abortion is to kill a human being. You may like the word or not, but it’s killing.” He stressed that voters should approach this issue with clarity, underscoring the sanctity of life from conception. Francis’s unwavering stance on the sanctity of life emphasizes the gravity of the issue. He noted that Catholic teaching on abortion is not open for debate within the Church, framing the matter as a question of fundamental morality.

The Call for Catholic Conscience at the Polls

While Francis refrained from naming Republican candidate Donald Trump or Democratic candidate Kamala Harris directly, he made it clear that their respective policies on migration and abortion were at odds with the Catholic Church’s teachings. However, he emphasized the duty of voters to make informed decisions in good conscience, advising them to choose the “lesser evil” when casting their ballots. This call for informed decision-making encourages Catholics to vote according to their conscience.

“Who is the lesser evil, the woman or the man? I don’t know,” the Pope remarked. “Everyone in their conscience should think and do it.”

Past and Present Views on U.S. Elections

This is not the first time Pope Francis has commented on U.S. elections. In 2016, he famously criticized then-candidate Trump’s proposed wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, calling it “not Christian.” During Friday’s news conference, Francis referenced his visit to the border, where he celebrated Mass and witnessed the plight of migrants firsthand.

The U.S. Bishops’ Priority on Abortion

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has identified abortion as the “preeminent priority” for Catholic voters, a stance reflected in the stark divide between the two candidates. Harris has been vocal in her support for abortion rights, advocating for the restoration of a federal right to abortion. Meanwhile, Trump has continued to push for tighter restrictions.

Francis’ Global Focus

The Pope also addressed global issues during the press conference. He denied rumors that he would attend the inauguration of the restored Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris later this year. However, he expressed interest in visiting the Canary Islands to highlight the ongoing migration crisis. He further downplayed speculation that he would return to his native Argentina, citing unresolved matters as the reason for delaying his long-awaited visit.

Francis also touched on China’s potential role in the future of the Catholic Church, describing the nation as “a promise and a hope” and expressing his desire to visit one day.

As the U.S. elections approach, the Pope’s remarks serve as a reminder to Catholics that moral decisions in voting extend beyond party lines and encompass life issues on multiple fronts.