Trump’s Lead Expands

Former President Donald Trump has opened a 6-point lead over President Joe Biden among voters nationally, according to a new Wall Street Journal poll. The survey shows Trump leading Biden 48% to 42%, marking the widest margin in Journal surveys since late 2021. This represents a significant increase from a 2-point lead in February.

Voter Concerns About Biden’s Age

The poll also reveals that 80% of voters believe President Biden is too old to run for a second term. This sentiment has grown, with a 7-point increase from the Journal’s February survey. Biden’s recent debate performance has heightened these concerns, leaving many of his Democratic colleagues worried about his cognitive abilities and the party’s prospects in the upcoming election.

Biden’s Declining Political Standing

The new survey indicates a decline in Biden’s political standing, with a small but growing number of Democrats calling for him to withdraw from the race. Currently, only 34% of respondents view the president favorably, a low mark in Journal surveys. Additionally, less than 40% approve of his handling of inflation, immigration, the economy, or his overall performance in office.

Comparative Poll Results

A separate poll from The New York Times and Siena College also shows Trump leading Biden, 49% to 43% among likely voters nationally. This is the largest lead Trump has recorded in a Times/Siena poll since 2015. Trump’s lead among registered voters is even greater at 49% to 41%.

Factors Influencing the Polls

Trump’s improved performance in the polls is largely attributed to his debate performance, which appears to have bolstered his support. Biden’s debate performance, on the other hand, has been widely criticized, raising doubts about his cognitive fitness and ability to serve as president.

Key Findings from Recent Polls

Trump’s Lead: Trump leads Biden 49% to 43% among likely voters, according to the New York Times/Siena College poll.
Biden’s Age: 80% of voters in the Wall Street Journal poll believe Biden is too old for a second term.
Voter Favorability: Only 34% view Biden favorably, according to the Wall Street Journal poll.
Independent Voters: Trump has a 10-point lead over Biden among independent voters.
Democratic Support: Despite the challenges, Biden retains strong support among Democratic voters, with 91% backing him in the latest poll.
Republican Support: Trump maintains strong support among Republicans, with 93% backing him.

The latest polls suggest that Trump has gained significant ground in the 2024 presidential race, leading Biden by a notable margin. Concerns about Biden’s age and recent debate performance appear to be contributing factors to Trump’s lead. However, with several months remaining until the election, the political landscape may continue to evolve.